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Customer Reviews


This is a great way to try new fragrances without purchasing a large bottle that I might not like. There is a real variety in this box. Would highly recommend it!

Written by Regina on May 20, 2014

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3 of 3 people found this review helpful.

Fun way to sample different scents. Makes a nice gift also..

Written by supersavta on April 08, 2014

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4 of 4 people found this review helpful.

Gucci Guilty: smells like a clean, beautiful, calm baby powder but better. Poppy: very sweet and delicious. Light blue: fab. Sweet and smells like heaven. (My favorite in the pack) Viva la juicy: very sweet, more for teens. Cashmere glow: more mature, floral Exceptional: floral and strong Simple (I think): floral and strong similar to exceptional. These fragrances are pretty strong and last all day which is absolutely fabulous! The bottles are little sample bottles, but light blue is the smallest and the best which is a little sad:/ good buy!

Written by cienna on March 05, 2014

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5 of 5 people found this review helpful.