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Customer Reviews


I just can't say enough about this perfume Awesome, my favorite, one of the best scents ever.

Written by Endenezjia on November 30, 2013

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I bought this about a month ago and love it! I have a very, very, very sensitive sense of smell that often triggers my migraines. I can't handle artificial floral scents and most artificial fruity scents, but this perfume smells sweet like candy. It's not too strong, and I can smell it throughout the day. Others have mentioned they love the smell because it's not too strong. I wish they had lotion. I used to use the Candy Baby Beauty Rush fragrance from Victoria's Secret, but towards the end they changed the formula and now they no longer sell it. I would say the smell of this one is probably better.

Written by Christie Road on February 21, 2013

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one way to describe this scent yumy yumy you can smell the berrys and the strawberry first sweeet & yummy

Written by bernie on October 23, 2012

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I love this perfume I even had a few people asking where I brought it!! If you like to smell like candy or something sweet this is for you, I will be buying 3 or 4 more because I am addicted!!

Written by Endenezjia/ Niecy on September 06, 2012

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This was my first time ordering this perfume and I LOVE IT!!! The smell is delicious I wanted to bite my own arm off If you love candy like perfume this is AWESOME and I will be buying more for myself AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!!!!

Written by Endenezjia on May 24, 2012

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