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Customer Reviews


I used this many years ago, until it was taken off the market...when that happened I went online and bought any I could find !! Some came to me with Japanese, German and Italian... When it was gone, I cried.... I'm so very happy I can get it again....I get the most compliments from people who want to know what fragrance I'm wearing... Will definitely be buying more....

Written by Claudine on May 20, 2014

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The first time I ever wore Maroc was in the late 80's when I worked at the mall in a nice department store. It's the only perfume I ever wore and loved. I've been looking for years and just the other day I decided to visit FraganceNet and when I saw that they were selling it after all these years, I ordered one immediately! I am so happy I took the chance because it's worth every penny. Even my son thought I smelled nice and that means so much coming from him. lol

Written by peg on February 10, 2014

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I also wore this fragrance back in the 80's and the men flocked to my side and i have been looking forever and just happened upon your site and was so excited that i ordered it right away and i will continue to come to this site for my MAROC...Thank you so much ..

Written by sable48 on July 18, 2013

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Maroc Perfume, I was amazed to find it. I used to wear this fragrance every day, and now I do again. Love It!

Written by Flamingo on June 25, 2013

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Wore this 20 years ago and love it. I get compliments every time I use it. I have found it is the only one that smells great on me. I have tried numerous others with no luck. I plan to use it forever if u guys keep it in stock. Thanks so much for bringing it back.

Written by Darlene on April 28, 2013

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