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Customer Reviews


Whoever said the intro date was 199? was mistaken, unless it had been retired and re-relased. I was born in 1950 and one of the first fragerances I remember was my grandma wearing Evenin in Paris when she went to church. It was her favorite perfume when she passed away in 1975. What joy to find in 1994 a little blue bullet purse bottle with a gold top and gold tassel! Since it had been in the bottom of my mother's cedar chest all that time it still was usable. Ever so often I will dab a bit on and sniff! It brings such beautiful memories of two wonderful women who touched my life as this fragerance touched theirs!

Written by Fran W. on October 10, 2012

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Evening In Paris was the perfume my mother used. It was in a small dark blue bottle with a silver label and a silver lid. That was many years ago but she let me have a dab sometimes and I always loved the smell. Cant wait to have my own bottle now!

Written by Linda on October 03, 2012

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Evening in Paris Perfume, I knew it as Soir de Paris. It was one of the first perfumes that I brought when I started work and as I recall not too expensive. I remembered it in the dark blue bottle, smelt heavenly, not too overpowering. It envoked wonderful memories for me. I not sure if you can still buy it. I only hope that that they haven't messed with the original formula like they have done with other perfumes eg Lumiere (which is also one of my favourites). They should bring it back as it was a nice perfume.

Written by Susan on May 14, 2012

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I haven't tried it yet, I still have some from 1955 and it smells the same as the day my boyfriend gave me for my birthday,I also have the dusting powder. I would like a sample of what u have now. I am sure my bottle i have is worth something, especially since it has the same delightful fragrant that still lingers on u.Please make sample of the fragrant u have now, i am curous to see if its the same. Leona Pardy , Morrisonville, NY

Written by Leona Pardy on March 19, 2012

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Evening in Paris. I recieved this fragrance when i was 17 as a xmas gift from a very nice boy friend it was glorious then. I am dissapointed to hear it has changed. perfection should not be tampered with. it was perfect in 1949 .

Written by renata on February 12, 2012

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