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Customer Reviews

This is a GREAT product! It is very neutral, bit gives your lips a defined glossy look.. I like to accentuate my eyes (my best feature), so I need a soft lip color This product does exactly what it is supposed to do. I LOVE IT!!!!

Written by LIBBY on November 17, 2013

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LipFusion Plump + RePlump Liquid Lipstick - Runway --2.5g/0.09oz by Fusion Beauty I like it because it can make your lip softer and nature feeling. I have used at least ten more different kind of lipstick, this is only one made me such feeling. But it does not stay too long.

Written by mimi on August 12, 2013

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Loved fusion beauty lipwear. It feels great after putting it on and lasts a long time. I will for sure want to buy this product again!

Written by Loving it! on March 16, 2013

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