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Customer Reviews


If you like the scent of strawberries, this is the one for you! Nice, subtle, sweet fragrance.

Written by Virginia on July 30, 2010

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I bought this for my daughter's birthday. It had a wonderful fruity scent that is perfect for her. It's like a happy scent that goes along perfectly with her personality.

Written by DeltaMom2002 on February 03, 2009

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I bought this Strawberry shortcake fragrance for my 4 year old daughter who likes to be like mommy and wear perfume. It is a really nice sweet strawberry scent with warm undertones I find myself spritz a little on when my daughter isn't looking, it's sooo yummy.

Written by Kei on November 25, 2007

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absolutely gorgeous. You smell exactly the same as strawberry shortcake on the first day you got her. Brings back many fond memories. The scent is almost edible!

Written by Angie-lou on March 27, 2007

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