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Customer Reviews


I have been wearing V/S for over 12 years. It has been my signature fragrance since the moment I found it. Whenever I wear it I receive many, many compliments, people actually follow me to ask what I am wearing. I have 1 bottle left and I can't believe that it is out of stock. Every fragrance I wear now pales by comparison. It is hard to believe that Versace has stopped making this beautiful fragrance.

Written by Michele - New York on June 04, 2012

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V/s this fragrance I will wait forever to get this if I ever will v/ s

Written by Sandra Spaulding on May 23, 2012

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I have been wearing this fragrance for 11 years. Never had this much trouble finding it. I tried all other kinds and nothing is quite like V/S. Please can't someone contact the company and ask them to start making it again. There are so many people that want to purchase it. PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE.

Written by Gina on October 29, 2011

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I absolutely LOVE VS too. I always get complimented when I wear it (out of the 10+ perfumes I have...VS is the ONLY one I get complimented on!!) I check all the fragrance shops and online to try and buy more, but to no avail :-( PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE start making it again Versace!! BEST EVER.

Written by CT56 on July 30, 2011

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I first found Versace V/S on a cruise and really liked it. Later was able to find at Fragrancenet but it is becoming very hard to get. Hopefully that will change, really like for something different.

Written by Sandy (Florida) on January 07, 2011

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