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Customer Reviews


I am 36 years old and I love perfume. When I first smelled this fragrance back in 2000, I was floored. This is the best. This fragrance wakes me up and makes me feel sexy. It is a shame I have a hard time getting to this product. I need it in my purse to carry around and a supply at home.

Written by Audrey on January 09, 2007

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I have worn this fragrance off and on since 2001. I have never, not ever experianced the type of reaction I had and still have when I am wearing Rewind.I have had so many people ask me what the name of it is and where they can purchase it. My husband tells me when I left his office one day there were perhaps ten guys that said they were looking for the person wearing this fragrance.Whenever I wear Rewind I feel very sensual and erotic. Sounds strange, but it's true.I am so very sorry that it's getting harder to find. When I am fortunate enough to find it I will purchase every bottle in stock. This fragrance is AMAZING!!!!!

Written by PERFUME PRINCESS on November 29, 2006

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Love how this smells and it's last a long time. People always ask what I am wearing when I walk by be it 1 hour or 8 hours it still holds it's smell

Written by Terri D on November 21, 2006

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The Givenchy oblique RWD is the best for me as a 37 yrs woman I love the scent. and hopefully can stays in the market for longtime.

Written by Le' classique beauty of nature on August 28, 2006

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