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Customer Reviews

The smell is divine! True Sisley experience. I used one bottle and already can see that my skin got it's glow back. I would definitely recommend this product.

Written by Kate on November 02, 2016

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sisleya lip and eye cream wonderful product that actually does what it says! i'm aging with very sensitive skin and this has changed my appearance. first time paying this kind of price- but will get more from sisley.

Written by sr on August 16, 2016

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loved the feel and fragrance of this toning lotion. It is expensive but feels wonderful

Written by Flower on July 19, 2016

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Great product,a bit over priced but it's worth it, it really made a difference, my skin looks healthy, it's also not oily but very soft.

Written by hgsa on December 20, 2013

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

Best stuff on earth! Worth the price. Great for any skin, even better for post-menopausal skin! I use several Sisley products, all great. If you use foundation, the oil-free oil is wonderful!

Written by Terry on October 24, 2013

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.