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Customer Reviews


If it is the version of the previous one, the bottle was, at the time, a burgandy, metal, tube like bottle and it was introduced way before 1996. I use to work for a distributor in 1980 (it was the year of my 18th birthday so I can`t be mistaking). So if it is not that one then it's not the original!!! but if it is..... PLEASE DO BRING IT BACK...THIS IS THE BEST SMELLING FRAGRANCE IN THE WHOLE WORLD! NEVER FOUND IT'S EQUAL!

Written by Suzanne on May 21, 2014

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OMG! I can`t believe it will be back. I use to work at the distributor of this purfume in Montreal in 1980 and I fell in love with it. I've been looking for it since they took it off of the market... Imagine 34 years!!!! I'm soooo excited. Please Please tell me as soon as it's available.

Written by Suzanne from Montreal (Quebec, Canada) and Mercedes, Texas (in winter) on May 21, 2014

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I also agree with everyone's comments. My sister in law and I used this product for years and years. I am so disappointed that we can no longer purchase it as I absolutely loved it. By far the best fragrance ever created. Why will Revlon not bring it back when so many people love it? Seems as though sales would go through the roof. Hoping Revlon will come to their scentses (intentional) real soon!

Written by Roni Vleminckx on May 07, 2014

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I agree with all the other comments ... Charles of the Ritz was my favorite perfume ever! It has been years since I have had any and I have tried so many other scents but have never gotten as attached as I was to Ritz. I just go from scent to scent with no loyalty. I truly miss having my "signature" scent.

Written by Deborah on March 24, 2014

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Charles of the Ritz Original Fragrance is by far the BEST perfume ever made and no one was more upset than me when Revlon bought Charles of the Ritz and then to my disbelief discontinued this fragrance. It is shameful that a fragrance this fantastic is not around forever, I will be the happiest woman in the world and my husband the happiest man if you bring this fragrance back to life! At least offer it for seasonal buys and you will SELL COMPLETELY OUT OF STOCK I promise, I would buy all you made!!! LOVE THIS PERFUME and NO OTHER PERFUME COMPARES to this amazing fragrance.

Written by Pam on July 23, 2013

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